

Bay Views Golf Course (formerly Rosebud Park Public Golf Course) welcomes all golfers every day of the year excluding Christmas Day.  For the enjoyment and safety of all golfers, there are a number of course rules that must be adhered to.

All play is to proceed at the discretion of Pro Shop staff and patrons are required to adhere to any instructions provided by staff.  Players must report to the Pro Shop prior to commencing their round.

A maximum of four players per single group is permitted.  Each player must have their own set of golf clubs (this avoids golfers needing to zig zag their way around the course causing slow play).

Any golfers found to be acting in an irresponsible or dangerous manner may be asked to leave the premises.

Course Care
  • Players are to carry a sand bucket at all times and repair any divots taken during the course of play;
  • Rake bunkers including footprints using the rake provided. Enter and exit bunkers at the lowest point – do not walk up or down the face or walls of bunkers.
  • Carefully repair plug marks on the putting green using a pitch repairer.
  • Give way to ground staff at all times.
  • Ensure the safety of everyone on the course by ensuring players ahead are out of hitting range before playing your ball.
  • Players must follow all directional signage on the course including observing all GUR and similarly marked areas of the course.
Speed of Play
  • No one enjoys slow play. Aim to keep up with the group ahead (not in front of the group behind). Keep your eye on the time as a group of four players should aim to finish 18 holes in just over 4 hours (four players) and two hours for 9 holes.
  • Please adhere to any instructions provided to you by course marshalls – they are simply trying to ensure everyone enjoys themselves by avoiding slow play.
  • We recommend golfers pick up their ball and moving to the next hole after having more than twice the par of the hole.
Motorised Carts

Privately owned four wheel motorised carts are not permitted without prior approval from Venue Management and payment of applicable fees.  Please contact the Pro Shop to discuss using your privately owned vehicle at Bay Views Golf Course.

Unfortunately, due to the potential risk to the health and safety of various course users, three wheel vehicles (including bikes, trikes, Parmaker and similar style vehicles) are not permitted at Bay Views Golf Course.

The Pro Shop offers a fleet of motorised carts available for hire under the following conditions:

  • Hirers must provide a security deposit in the form of a credit card or $250 cash per cart.
  • Drivers must be over 18 years of age to operate a motorised cart.
  • Maximum of 2 people per cart.
  • Please follow all directional signage and remain on paths where provided.
  • Carts should not be driven within 15 metres of tees and greens unless a cart path is provided.
  • Do not drive carts in front of players or on other fairways to the one being played as this will likely result in damage occurring from balls being hit in the opposite direction.
Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, credits or refunds will be offered to players should the course be deemed unplayable or condition become unfit for play.

Should the course or conditions require a temporary suspension of play, only when play has been suspended for a period of 45 minutes will the course be deemed unfit for play.

The course or conditions that may result in a suspension or cancellation of play may include dangerous weather (such as lightning), heavy rainfall, fog, frost or extreme heat.

Fog and / or Frost Policy

Frost has the potential to cause significant damage to playing surfaces as a result of blades of grass blades being crushed by golfers and their equipment. Damage caused as a result of frost will not become evident until days after it has occurred.  As such, staff may be required to delay play until frost has melted.

Heavy fog presents obvious dangers by not allowing players to identify where other patrons or staff are on the golf course.  Staff will only permit play to proceed when golfers are clearly visible when playing their second shots on the first hole and are satisfied course staff are safe from possible damage caused as a result of balls being struck in their general working area.